Happy February! I call it the month of new beginnings because, sometimes you need a month to prepare for a jumpstart.

Instead of beating ourselves up for not sticking with our resolutions…maybe it’s time that we look at them differently. Any time we make a resolution we’re saying there’s something we want to change in our lives. Change is good for us.

Children outgrow toys and clothes all the time. As adults, we can outgrow things also.

From time to time, it’s good to ask myself, “what are the things, ideas, attitudes, people, or habits I need to release because they no longer fit or work for me? They no longer help me become the person I am meant to be. “

If you’re like me, it’s hard to let go. It’s easy to get stuck in a certain mindset. Or keep doing things a certain way “because that’s the way it’s always been” or we can tell ourselves, “I’m too old to change”. When that’s our self-talk, we are closing ourselves off to new learning and personal growth – intellectually, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

What tools do you need to help as you become more willing to embrace change?

Stop in at the library. There are plenty of resources that can help.

Feel stuck in a dead-end job? Need to improve family relationships or communication? Need to stop taking my health and my body for granted? Want to understand people who think differently than you? We’ve got all kinds of books that you can open that may give you some ideas and new insights.

We also celebrate Valentine’s Day this month. Love is more than a feeling. It’s a verb. Maybe you show your love with chocolates and roses. When you show kindness towards others you’re also demonstrating love and helping to make the world a bit brighter.

Here’s to a great February 2024. May it be a month filled with acts of kindness and love and a month when you are unafraid of change. So go ahead and embrace change….and then be open to new possibilities and wonderful surprises.


Nancy Logan, Director